Trusted Business Directory

We provide a comprehensive directory of approved and trusted business vendors in select metropolitan areas, featuring only vendors who excel at providing services or products for sympathy and bereavement.

How It Works

Approved Providers

The Trusted Businesses listed in this directory are chosen for the quality of their food, the reliability of their customer service and the extent of their knowledge on the customs and traditions of mourning practices. Each vendor can be relied upon to provide appropriate assistance in the completion of food orders for sympathy and bereavement.


Selecting a Vendor

Select a city from the options below. Each area will be broken into six categories. Choose the category to best fit your needs, whether you are looking to have an arrangement of baked goods sent to a mourning family home, to have a complete catered event, or anything in between, you will find what you are looking for in our Trusted Business Directory.


Trusted Business Directory

Choose a City to Find a List of Approved Providers


Register Your Company

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Send Condolence Gifts

From flowers and wreaths, fruit and cookie baskets or comfort foods to deli trays and even meals to send to those who are grieving, our network is ready to deliver.

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